Creator of the concept

President of the Alberghi Diffusi National Association

giancarlo_dallara-300x234Giancarlo Dall’Ara is a consultant for Italian Tourism Regions, destinations and Operator Consortia. He proposes a non-conventional approach to marketing, developing topics ranging from Relationship and Memory Management to Niche Marketing where he values storytelling, “Cross References”, reception and Networks.

He regularly teaches seminars on tourism markets (Germany, France, USA, Japan, UK, China), on territory marketing and cultural heritage.
After developing an original hospitality model (the scattered hotel), he founded the Scattered Hotels National Association, becoming its President.



The Presidente of ADI, Giancarlo Dall’Ara, defines a scattered hotel as:

  • an original model of hospitality
  • a model for tourism development of the territory

The model offers guests a life experience in the historical center of a town or village, based on hotel services (reception, assistance, catering, common spaces for the guests) lodging at houses and rooms within 200 metres fron the “heart” of Albergo Diffuso. The heart is where reception, common spaces and relax area are located.

Albergo Diffuso is a territory development model with a low environmental impact. An

Albergo Diffuso is not built from scratch, but a neglected building becoming part of the

network after being refurbished. Besides, an Albergo Diffuso operates as “social

protection” and it animates historical centres by stimulating initiatives and involving local

producers as key elements in the offer.

An Albergo Diffuso, being so authentical, so close to its buildings and with its resident community, can promote lifestyle, more than just accomodation. That is why an Albergo Diffuso cannot exist in neglected villages. Besides, since lifestyle does not depend on weather, an Albergo Diffuso does not have a strict seasonality: it can generate spin-off and contribute to stop hamlet depopulation.